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Showing posts from January, 2019

Being a little small.

Well, I'm thinking ‘bout some parables I've read. Reminds me of times when I was a kid. I'd argue with my sis to see who said, something mean first, soon we “un-friend-ed”. Trying to get her into it first. I'd get there before she could tell on me. It often worked, and often ended worse, I've just remembered what a child I'd be. And, yet, Yeshua said, to enter in, to heaven's kingdom, a human should be, a little one, I wonder what he meant, because, a perfect child was never me. Some Pharisees had just before tried hard, to trap him with a question, to be sure, about divorce and marriage policy, their fishing line came out, no fish on lure. It seems that those blokes thought they were o.k., with God, because they thought their thoughts were right. I'm taking on what other stories say, in this one here, it seems they picked a fight. So, what it is, and I won't say I'm right, to be a little small, it may be like, being a child...
Thinking about what it means to serve truth, as shown in the life of Christ..