Beginning with the end that's given me, I try to use the strength I have from God. He shows me how, a better man I'll be, if trusting him, doesn't at all seem odd. I give him thanks for bread and too, for wine. The Lord has given all the things I need. His spirit's fruit that comes from love, divine. It makes me want his warnings here to heed. A blessing from my burden, he will make, inside me, so I'll be a blessing too. He'll teach me with his children, bread to break, Untill we can together drink wine, new! Together with the one who'll take our woes. The Earth and all within it will be glad! From bottom to the top, from heads to toes, and wipe the tears from all those who are sad. He said that he would come on clouds to bring, a dif'rent kind of change than those who rule, at present now, so, helpless ones can sing. A change will come for wise man, and for fool! Yeshua said, that his way is the one, to bring to us a light to stop o...
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