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Who cooked the books? Part one(and C)..

I fear the fight that I might have to make,
to bring about a change inside my head.
But, dough is sticky, before it gets baked.
And, after heat it may turn into bread.

So, listen closely to the word that is,
inside the books you read, although it's odd,
that looking just at words could reach our ears,
and through the process seem to come from God!

So, is it true, that God can be in books?
How did he get inside the printer's ink?
Could thoughts from people's hearing( so it looks),
be somehow God's!? Amazing, just to think,

of God having a link with all his ones!
And, how will I know which voice I can trust?
So, can you see them cooking? All these buns,
these thoughts are in the oven, under-cooked.


  1. Great thoughts bro. I love that exploration into meaning being passed on through code (language and writing).

    Good question too: "And how will I know which voice I can trust?"


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