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Showing posts from August, 2019

How does it feel to be loved by God, forgiven?

What difference does it make to you oh man,  That you have been forgiven, loved by God,  That he does not see your sins in anymore,  What difference does it make or does it not?    How does it help you in the way you live?  Or does it help you in the way you think?  Or does it change the kind of things you do?  Please, tell us cause I think you think it's true.   How did it make you feel when you first knew?  Or, was the process a progressive thing? Do you think you have reached the top and know, Exactly how you think this makes you think?    Have you been changed since you have found this out?  Do you now hold onto this without doubt? Then did you realise just who you once were? But only tell us what you can confer.

Crocodillian feelings

Ask me about this one next time you see me .. Amongst the reeds when crocodiles are near, There is some fear when I give up, look down, And feel the weeds and grasses, I can see, the possibility of crocs around. I'll put one foot ahead, and walk along, the water slows me down, up to my knees. I've never heard of friendly crocodiles, I feel them looking out, but I can't see. It's scary thinking I could be their lunch, I'd rather have a hundred mozzie bites, But, it won't help if I get angry at, these meat-eaters for doing what they'd like. I'll do my best to outsmart all these crocs, the snakes as well, that sneak amongst the grass, I'll tippy-toe right past, their lizard tails, I'll have to learn their tricks, learn to be smart.