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Showing posts from May, 2019

To sow and grow.

And, yet it seems that god is working and, it may mean that my world is sinking in. And, though I do not always understand, I'll let this work of god in me begin. This means that god's ideas are planted here, inside me, somewhere I have never seen. A place of fertile soil and honest fear, of god, it needs to happen for this bean, to grow into a kinder, kind'a bloke. So, please god, help me to un-shell this man, and let the sprouting, tender plant to grow. I trust it's growing just the speed it can.

Like cocoons, these wombs.

And, yet, there is still more to learn, who knew?! That living in this world of God ain't dull?! I think God might be like the wind that blew, and flows around, now helping those seagulls, And birds of ev'ry feather, lifting up, not being all their flight, but giving them, a waking up, and prodding them to move, and start to fly to heights above, and on. But, to be down below in this here world, and doing just like I'm learning to do. And, how to be a child of God now curled, in womb as once upon a time I grew. just like that time when we were with our mum, Inside her, being nourished from above. Perhaps, now too this earth like a cocoon, was fashioned so to teach us how to love.

Better, kind'er bloke.

So, now that I am swinging back into, the things I had been partly doing, and, being part of other people's lives, not few, It was a busy-ness at times, oh, man! I thank God for the things been given me. The highs, and too the lows, that ebb, and flow. This game of life that's helping grow to be, this man into a better, kind'er bloke.

In love, this life..

So, maybe my belief is tested still, to know myself is not the greatest thing. I reckon using these hands, maybe, will, by love give this here life a truer ring. And, I am thankful to the God who's made, me much less busy, and given me time. Who's taken me from hell here even Hade, "The life is more than meat", so goes the rhyme..

Soon to learn to be...

So, now I see the two ways one could be. Soon thankful, or soon angry, you can choose. Please, note that I am talking here to me, And, trying to make sense, and then to lose, the part that forgets only of someone, who isn't me, so looking at myself. I sometimes need though, to connect to One, to rest, reflect, and soon return to health. And, yet, in that to wage war with these thoughts, and stop myself from falling soon to sleep. Instead of thinking only of what 'oughts', to be done so that 'peace is in the keep'. It seems that there is more to living, than, to look out only for this one, here, me, but, too, there is a me here, so I'll take, good care of him. (Help me learn how to be.)

Though I am small.

And though I'm only small, next to all this, I feel as though my words are hardly kind. The things I say when I am scared are mixed, I fear that I will lose out on some fun. And then, I make as if I have been hit, by things that people do or say to me. I end up in my throat stuck with a pit, It seems that I must still learn how to be. So now, I know I'm still learning this way, to be a smaller person than I am. I think that this can be a place to stay, below, and make my head much less a ham.