And, yet, there is still more to learn, who knew?!
That living in this world of God ain't dull?!
I think God might be like the wind that blew,
and flows around, now helping those seagulls,
And birds of ev'ry feather, lifting up,
not being all their flight, but giving them,
a waking up, and prodding them to move,
and start to fly to heights above, and on.
But, to be down below in this here world,
and doing just like I'm learning to do.
And, how to be a child of God now curled,
in womb as once upon a time I grew.
just like that time when we were with our mum,
Inside her, being nourished from above.
Perhaps, now too this earth like a cocoon,
was fashioned so to teach us how to love.